Ketamine can be addictive & can cause bladder and kidney damage if used
chronically. Do not use dissociatives or psychedelics if you are mentally
unstable. This information is for educational purposes only and not psycho-
therapeutic advice.
- Ketamine's Distortion of Visual Field : Ketamine significantly alters visual perception, causing blurry vision, slight double vision, and a sense of visual slippage. This makes tasks like reading or simple movements difficult and at higher doses may render the user unable to perform basic functions like turning lights on or off.
- Dissociative Properties : Ketamine's dissociation leads to detachment from thoughts, feelings, memories, and surroundings. This creates a distinct difference from traditional psychedelics, potentially offering a deep meditative state akin to those described in Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta.

- Relaxation and Meditative State Induced by Ketamine : Ketamine induces a profound state of relaxation, freeing individuals from their thinking mind and allowing them to experience a significant level of comfort and a blank mind, similar to a deep meditative state that would typically take extensive meditation to achieve.
- Trip Duration : A moderate dose of ketamine, as experienced by Leo, leads to a trip lasting approximately an hour and a half, with lingering effects for an additional hour.
- Impact on Mobility : At moderate doses, ketamine impairs movement and balance, resembling the experience of being intoxicated, raising concerns about physical safety at higher doses without a trip sitter or pre-planned environment to prevent harm.
- Anesthetic and Tranquilizer : As an anesthetic used in veterinary medicine, ketamine operates by shutting down the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for symbolic reasoning and thought, reflective of the way it impacts the human brain during recreational use.
- Reduction in Symbolic Thinking : Ketamine's effect on the brain reduces the ability to engage in symbolic reasoning and thought, offering a peculiar insight into how deeply our lives are rooted in conceptual thinking which we often take for granted.
- Insights into the Conceptual Mind : The use of ketamine demonstrates how much of perceived reality is overlaid with concepts, and the drug's reduction of this activity suggests a much larger role of the conceptual mind than most people realize in everyday life.
- Revelations for Intellectuals : For individuals who are highly intellectual, ketamine offers a rare opportunity to experience the absence of constant analysis and conceptualization, which can be enlightening and provide a break from incessant mental activity.
- Return to Normal Function : Post-trip, the mind reverts to its usual state, filled with everyday concerns and thoughts, which contrasts sharply with the blankness experienced during the ketamine-induced state, underscoring the importance of mindful, long-term personal development for lasting change.
- Personal Responsibility in Exploring Consciousness : Emphasizes the importance of taking ownership of one’s exploratory decisions related to consciousness, especially when using substances like ketamine, and grounding these in individual intuition, research, and personal values.
- Experience of Ketamine-induced Happiness : Ketamine catalyzes a type of happiness that is deeply content, even-keeled, and free from the highs of euphoria or bliss, distint from the pleasure-based happiness found in classic psychedelics. It facilitates profound relaxation and happiness without the desire for anything or the need to engage with everyday concerns.
- Elimination of Suffering Through Present Moment Awareness : The ketamine experience extinguishes suffering by halting the mind’s future projections and conceptualizing. This leads to an enlightened state of no mind where one realizes that all suffering stems from thoughts about the future, confirming insights typically shared by advanced meditators and Buddhists.
- The Relief from Mental Obligations : By dissolving the anxiety of future planning or dwelling on problems, ketamine offers a state of mental peace where one’s typical stresses about responsibilities and daily troubles are absent, leading to a profound state of happiness and present moment enjoyment.
- Reduction of Subconscious Anxiety and Depression : Most people carry a low-grade anxiety or depression without realizing it. Ketamine provides a psychonaut with a clear perspective by removing these persistent, subtle layers of negative mental states, offering significant short-term relief and introspection about their origins.
- Insights into Mind-Constructed Suffering : Through ketamine use, users learn that depression and anxiety are not intrinsic states but are produced by the psyche's habitual conceptualization and projection, offering a powerful model to understand and ultimately reform destructive thought patterns.
- Ketamine as a Double-Edged Sword : Although ketamine can show users that their suffering is mind-created and provide temporary relief, the risk of addiction is heightened if used as an escape rather than a tool for insight into and eventual reconstruction of mental habits that contribute to depression and anxiety.
- Ketamine and Personal Identity : High doses of ketamine can initiate experiences of ego dissolution, or "no-self", which resemble realizations commonly sought in Buddhism and Advaita, and can provide insight into one's constructed identity by the absence of symbolic reasoning during the experience.
- Notion of True Nihilism on Ketamine : The ketamine state demonstrates a form of true nihilism, where nothing holds importance, providing blissful contentment and serenity, which contrasts with the negative connotations often associated with conceptual nihilism.
- Deep Introspection and the Concept of Not-Knowing : On ketamine, profound introspection can lead to the realization of 'not knowing', illustrating that knowledge is conceptual and when that is removed, one is left with a state of pure consciousness, free from the constraints of symbolic thought and biographical identity.
- Ketamine and the concept of infinity : While on ketamine, Leo experienced a profound sense of "not knowing" and realized the unknowable nature of infinity, which he identifies with. The understanding that infinity and the self are unknowable was prominent during the experience.
- Meta-knowing of infinity : On ketamine, the realization emerged that while infinity cannot be known, there is a "meta-knowing" – an understanding that it is inherently unknowable. This recognition isn't nihilistic but leads to a profound mystical feeling of peace and joy.
- Appreciating the unknowable : The ketamine experience allowed Leo to appreciate the power of not knowing and to surrender the desire to know. It showcased the absurdity of the mind's compulsive sense-making, providing relief from the intellectual urge to understand everything.
- Relief for the intellectual mind : For intellectuals, who are often mired in their minds attempting to conceptualize reality, ketamine offers a valuable respite. For Leo, who has spent his life seeking understanding, realizing the value of not knowing provided enormous relief.
- Ketamine as a reflection tool for intellectuals : Leo suggests that individuals with an overly analytical mind, like Kurt Jymungal or figures such as Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins, could benefit greatly from ketamine's capacity to reduce conceptual thinking, offering a humbling experience that challenges their usual paradigm of understanding.
- Experiencing oneself as god : While ketamine may help some individuals touch upon their god-like nature, Leo believes the experience is far less profound compared to realizations induced by psychedelics like 5-MeO-DMT or LSD.
- Unique insights from Ketamine : Despite more profound experiences on other psychedelics, Leo acknowledges that ketamine provided him with unique insights into the workings of the mind and self in creating meaning and suffering.
- Ketamine's similarity to depersonalization/derealization : The dissociative state induced by ketamine shares characteristics with depersonalization and derealization disorders, but with the crucial difference that it's accompanied by joy and without suffering.
- Returning to normal life after ketamine : Post-experience, the ordinary mind with its survival concerns reasserts itself, highlighting the need for long-term personal development and conscious habit changes to alleviate suffering.
- The root cause of suffering : Leo concludes that suffering is self-created through the mind's attachment to meanings, stressing the importance of recognizing and altering these mental habits rather than seeking external solutions from the world.
- Ketamine's introspective value : Ketamine facilitates direct experience of the mind's mechanisms in creating suffering, which can lead to realizations beyond mere intellectual understanding. The temporary afterglow from ketamine use underscores the need for conscious awareness to transcend suffering.
- Ketamine vs. 5-MeO-DMT for ultimate realizations : For those seeking the deepest understanding of reality and the state of omniscience or God realization, ketamine falls short compared to 5-MeO-DMT. Ketamine does not inherently facilitate the awakening to the realization of love, which is an essential facet of the highest spiritual states.
- Love realization limitation with Ketamine : Ketamine experiences generally do not induce a profound sense of love or focus on love as an element of awakening. For profound love or God realization, traditional psychedelics like 5-MeO-DMT, 5-MeO-MALT, and DMT are preferred.
- Spiritual paths and ultimate realizations : Leo suggests that narrow spiritual paths such as Buddhism or Advaita Vedanta that focus solely on mind cessation or the state of no mind may offer limited realizations compared to the full breadth of potential conscious states, and are not the zenith of spiritual awakening.
- Meditation vs. Psychedelic experiences : While meditation can lead to a state free of suffering or a state of no mind, it may not result in the realization of oneself as God or provide an omniscient experience. Psychedelics such as 5-MeO-DMT offer a different magnitude of awakening, potentially guiding individuals more towards religious and ecstatic mysticism instead of purely introspective states emphasized in Eastern traditions.
- Valuable states of consciousness beyond tradition : Leo emphasizes the importance of exploring a variety of states of consciousness, especially for serious practitioners within a spiritual tradition. Psychedelics can reveal states beyond habitual spiritual experiences, indicating an incomplete picture offered by singular spiritual paths.
- Consciousness exploration with caution : Psychedelics, including ketamine, should not be seen as a panacea for spiritual liberation or permanent relief from suffering; rather, they are tools for revealing the wide scope of consciousness capabilities. However, individuals must approach these substances cautiously and responsibly.
- Ketamine for depression and anxiety relief : While ketamine can temporarily relieve depression and anxiety, it is not a long-term solution and should not be used repeatedly in an attempt to maintain well-being. It is potentially useful against suicidal thoughts in the short term.
- Importance of responsibility and autonomy : Choosing to explore consciousness through substances like ketamine requires taking full responsibility for the decision. It is crucial to prioritize personal intuition, research, and values above external influences in the journey of personal development.
- Diversity and richness of spiritual experiences : Understanding consciousness through a broad spectrum of experiences is likened to sampling a buffet, rather than restricting to a single meal or spiritual tradition. This exploration can resolve spiritual disputes and facilitate a deeper appreciation for the diversity of spiritual awakenings.
- Ketamine's emergency use for suicidal individuals : For someone on the brink of suicide who has tried all other options, ketamine can provide temporary but immediate relief from suicidal thoughts.
- Temporary relief from overthinking and anxiety : Ketamine is effective at shutting off the mind and can alleviate conditions like analysis paralysis and anxiety caused by overthinking, albeit temporarily.
- Revealing the mind's role in depression and anxiety : Ketamine can demonstrate how individuals construct their own depression and anxiety through their thoughts, offering insight into the impact of thought patterns.
- Ketamine's induction of 'not knowing' state : It allows for deep states of 'not knowing,' which can be an important awakening experience, particularly for those who haven't achieved this realization with other psychedelics.
- Realization of 'no self' through Ketamine : It can facilitate the understanding that one's conceptual biographical self is a fabrication, contributing to an awakening experience on the nature of self.
- Physical and recreational downsides of Ketamine : High doses of ketamine can lead to uncomfortable visual distortions, impaired motor skills, and it lacks the sociability and enjoyment found in other psychedelics.
- Ketamine's limits to deep spiritual experiences : It is less mystical and profound compared to classic psychedelics and substances like 5-MeO-DMT, especially in terms of achieving states of god realization or profound love.
- Ketamine's physical harm and addiction risk : With extensive use, ketamine can lead to severe bladder and kidney issues, and the risk of addiction is high, especially for those with severe depression or anxiety.
- Ketamine tolerance and comparison to other psychedelics : Ketamine tolerance can last weeks to months with frequent use. Unlike classic psychedelics, it can cause significant physical harm, making substances like 5-MeO-DMT safer and less addictive options.
- Variations in psychedelic profoundness : People may respond differently to ketamine compared to other psychedelics due to personal interests, priorities, and genetics, affecting the profoundness of their experiences.
- Ketamine as a conscious choice for exploration : If used responsibly by mentally stable individuals, ketamine can be a valuable experience for those interested in exploring different aspects of consciousness.
- Responsibility in choosing psychedelics for personal development : Individuals must critically evaluate their choices in consciousness exploration, bearing responsibility for any risks or changes stemming from their use.
- Ensuring safe and mindful use of information : It's vital for users to reflect on the information and experiences shared, avoiding the trap of mindless consumption or blindly following authority figures in their pursuit of personal development.
- The unique effects of moderate doses of ketamine : At moderate doses, Leo's experiences with ketamine do not match the profundity claimed by those who have experienced the 'k-hole,' suggesting that the impact of ketamine can vary widely based on dosage.