"Conservative, n.
A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the
Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others." - The Devil's Dictionary
- Understanding The Conservative Mind : Leo provides an introduction to his two-part series with the initial focus on understanding the conservative mind. The series aims to provide a deep, genuine understanding of both conservativism and liberalism from a non-partisan and non-judgmental viewpoint, aimed primarily at those who may not fully grasp the opposing ideology.
- Non-Partisan and Epistemological Approach : Leo emphasizes that his discussion on political ideologies is not about advocating for any particular stance but about gaining a genuine epistemological understanding of both conservative and liberal worldviews. He clarifies that political ideologies are emotionally held and should be understood as such.
- Broad Definitions : The terms conservative and liberal are used broadly here. 'Conservative' includes anyone right of center, while 'Liberal' includes anyone left of center. This encompasses a wide range of political persuasions within each camp, acknowledging ideological diversity and avoiding country-specific or narrow definitions.
- Historical and Global Context of Political Ideologies : Leo highlights the necessity of considering political ideologies beyond a narrow, modern, or American lens. He points out that conservativism and liberalism have existed for thousands of years, evolving over time, and must be understood in a broader historical and global context.
- Modern Misconceptions of Conservatism : Addressing recent developments within American conservativism, Leo criticizes the MAGA movement, suggesting it provides a distorted and unintelligent view of traditional conservative values, and he expresses empathy for genuine conservatives who may feel misrepresented.
- Genuine Inquiry into Political Ideologies : Leo challenges his audience to truly want to understand why people find conservativism, and in the next video liberalism, appealing. He cautions against simplistic and dismissive explanations, stressing that deep understanding requires moving beyond ideological bias and groupthink.

- Characteristics of the Conservative Mindset : Leo delves into the qualities of the conservative mindset, noting increased sensitivity to fear and threat, as well as a tendency to grow up in harsher environments or to benefit from the status quo. He suggests that these factors lead to brain structural differences and societal views that significantly shape conservative perspectives.
- Conservatism beyond Narrow Political Positions : The conservative mind is explained as reacting to a broader set of survival conditions and attitudes that have shaped its worldview over many centuries, rather than just current policy debates. This long-standing outlook is what contributes to its distinct views on societal structure and order.
- Purpose of Two-Part Series : Leo presents this video as the first part in a series intended to explore the foundations of political ideologies in an even-handed and comprehensive manner. He indicates that the second part will address liberalism and the importance of understanding both political views for a well-rounded political discourse.
- Resource Limitations : Despite wealthier nations, limited opportunities and resources persist globally. This leads conservative minds in privileged positions to defend status quo that benefits them, and their survival interest biases them toward maintaining existing systems.
- Correlation with Personality Traits : The conservative mindset generally aligns with conscientiousness and closeness, two of the Big Five personality traits. The former measures a preference for dutifulness and rule-following, while openness versus closeness reflects the degree of openness to new ideas.
- Seriousness and Practicality : Conservatives often take life seriously and follow a pragmatic approach. This is reflective of growing up or living in harsh environments where strict adherence to rules and principles is essential for survival.
- Need for Order, Consistency, and Stability : A conservative mind finds comfort and peace in orderliness and routine. This desire for structure influences their daily lives and perspectives and can manifest in various institutions, from the family to the military.
- Impact of Freedom and Structure : Leo Gura asserts that while liberals may idealize a life free from structure, prolonged periods without order can result in psychological issues. He advocates for a balance between freedom and structured order, which is central to genuine conservatism.
- Historical Example : Tsar Nicholas I is highlighted as a conservative figure who exemplified a strong need for order and routine, especially in military matters. His comfort in micromanagement and strict scheduling demonstrates the conservative inclination towards structure.
- Personal Reflection on Chaos vs. Order : Individuals are encouraged to examine their tolerance for chaos versus order, acknowledging that an organized environment can positively impact perceptions and feelings. Cleaning and organizing are small steps seen as part of the conservative path to a successful life.
- Process of Building a Successful Life : Leo describes a step-by-step, disciplined approach to improving one's life, starting from cleaning one's room and gradually tackling bigger challenges such as financial discipline, leading potentially to substantial personal and financial success.
- Safety Orientation of the Conservative Mind : The conservative mind prioritizes safety and security over the excitement of adventures, displaying a lower tolerance for risk and unpredictability as compared to the liberal mind that seeks adventure.
- Conservative Preference for Routine and Familiarity : Leo illustrates the conservative tendency towards preferring routine and known experiences over exploration and change, such as eating the same food or visiting the same places regularly.
- Conservative Emphasis on Confidence and Certainty : The conservative mindset values confidence, certainty, and convention, preferring to hold firm beliefs and having a closed mindset that is resistant to questioning or doubt.
- Value of Discipline and Consistency in Conservatism : The conservative approach to life, work, and art projects emphasizes the importance of discipline, strictness, and following through on plans, contrasting with a liberal perspective that may seek more novelty and lack persistence.
- Conservatism's Connection to Identity and Tradition : Leo explains that conservatives find satisfaction in fitting into pre-existing societal structures like family, heritage, and culture, and feel joy in maintaining these traditions rather than inventing new ones.
- Anxiety Regarding Uncertainty in Conservative Thought : The conservative mindset experiences discomfort with uncertainty and ambiguity, showing preference for stability and predictability.
- Limited Circle of Compassion in the Conservative Mind : According to Leo, conservatives have a smaller sphere of compassion, focusing empathy primarily on their in-group, seeing threats in the out-group, and generally adopting a less expansive view of empathy relative to liberals.
- Conservative View on Character Building and Self-Reliance : The conservative worldview stresses the notion that hardship and self-reliance build character, and opposes the idea of handouts or relying on others' empathy as a means to succeed in life.
- Military Analogy for Conservative Discipline : Leo uses the military as an example of conservative principles in action, highlighting the necessity for self-reliance, discipline, and a small sphere of concern in high-stakes environments where survival and order are crucial.
- Conservative approach to unconditional love : The conservative mind prioritizes survival and holds that love should be limited and conditional, in contrast to the unconditional love often associated with spiritual teachings. Gura explains that unconditional love can conflict with survival, making it a less feasible choice in the realm of politics and survival-oriented situations.
- Spectrum of conservatism and liberalism : Gura emphasizes that conservatism and liberalism exist on a spectrum, where even the most progressive individuals have limitations in their acceptance and openness. He illustrates this by suggesting that even when considered from a progressive viewpoint, certain ideas, like Nazism as a form of love, are rejected, indicating conservative resistance at a certain threshold of liberalism.
- Moralism and self-righteousness in conservatism : The conservative mind leans towards moral absolutism and judgment. Adhering to a strict moral code leads to a sense of self-righteousness among conservatives, often manifesting in critical judgments of those who do not follow their moral standards.
- Preference for clear moral guidelines : Conservatives favor well-defined moral codes that simplify decision-making. They view the world more in terms of black and white rather than moral gray areas, preferring the comfort and certainty of clear distinctions over the complexities of moral relativism.
- Conservative metaphysics, epistemology, and morality : Conservatives hold a view of reality and knowledge as fixed and absolute. Their moral perspective is rooted in objective duality, drawing strict distinctions between concepts such as good and evil, or man and God, thus shaping their perspective on social issues such as the transgender debate.
- Conservative fear of blurring societal norms : There are concerns in conservative thinking about the potentially dangerous outcomes of blurring established normative boundaries, fearing that this could lead to societal confusion and chaos. This mindset heavily influences their stance on topics like gender and sexuality.
- Belief in fixed human nature and resistance to change : Gura points to the conservative belief that human nature is unchanging and rigid, leading to skepticism about human-made innovations like genetic engineering or man-machine interfaces and the potentially serious risks they pose.
- Conservatism and risk assessment : The conservative approach emphasizes the dangers of the unknown and advocates caution, especially in fields like genetic engineering and technological augmentation, advocating for a conservative stance to mitigate potential threats and maintain safety.
- Conservative View of Natural Order : Conservatives view the natural order and moral laws as not just societal constructions, but as intrinsic or god-given aspects of human life that should not be altered haphazardly. They prioritize duty to adhere to these principles as essential to maintaining a good and healthy society.
- Conservative Understanding of Rules and Traditions : The conservative mindset emphasizes the importance of following established rules and traditions, equating change or deviation with the potential degradation of society and a disrespect of what has been proven to work over time.
- Resistance to Change in the Conservative View : In the view of conservatives, novel innovations (like "ostrich meat pizza") are seen as risky and often unnecessary when traditional approaches (such as "classic pepperoni pizza") are already successful. They value tried-and-tested methods over experimentation, fearing the outcome of change could be worse than the status quo.
- Moral Framework in Conservative Ideology : Conservatives typically believe in a clear moral framework, often religious in nature, and consider the preservation and enforcement of this framework as the basis of societal welfare and personal conduct. Those outside their defined moral tribe are judged as bad by default.
- Dynamics of Conservatism in Religion and State : Conservative thought often involves a blend of religious orthodoxy with state governance, endorsing the idea of religious values shaping laws and public life. They see separation from these values as a potential path to a morally corrupt society.
- Conservative Views on National Identity and Patriotism : Loyalty to one's country and preserving national symbols and values are of high importance to conservatives. They view challenges to national identity as a threat to society's survival, and regard the questioning of the status quo akin to betrayal or disloyalty.
- Fear of Moral Decay in Conservatism : Conservatives harbor deep concern for social decadence and justifications for maintaining order through external structures like rules and traditions. They believe this is essential to prevent societal collapse and moral degeneration.
- Perception of People's Nature in Conservative Thought : The conservative mindset upholds the belief that most people are followers who need strict external guidelines to behave morally, like clear condemnation and enforcement against actions such as rape, to supplement internal moral compasses.
- Conservative Response to Societal Changes : The conservative paradigm involves apprehension towards changes that could disrupt traditional structures and norms, such as increases in non-heteronormative lifestyles or the loss of clear behavioral constraints that enforce societal order.
- Conservative Concerns over Homosexuality : Conservatives worry that increased acceptance of homosexuality could lead to disease spread, family breakdown, and population sustainability issues. They advocate for preemptive enforcement of heterosexual norms to avoid what they perceive as significant societal problems.
- Trade-offs of Political Standpoints : Leo highlights that both liberal and conservative positions on issues like gay marriage, sex, and abortion involve trade-offs, where neither side presents an absolute solution. Extremes in either direction can cause societal issues.
- Conservative Views on Technology and Social Order : The conservative mind often fears new technology for potentially disrupting established social orders. For conservatives, the risks of new technology like genetic engineering or social media are as concerning as its benefits, warranting a protective stance.
- In-group Conformity and Authority in Conservatism : Conservatives value fitting in with their group, showing respect for authority, and favoring a more authoritarian and patriarchal system. They often see their culture as superior and feel uncomfortable with foreign cultures, focusing on preserving ethnic identity.
- Masculine vs. Feminine Compassion in Conservatism : The conservative mindset typically practices "tough love" with an emphasis on masculine compassion. It prefers discipline and order for raising children over permissive approaches, believing these prevent moral ambiguity and lead to better outcomes.
- Conservative Disdain for Weakness and Preference for Harsh Justice : Conservatives generally disdain weakness and prefer harsher forms of justice. They support strict rule enforcement, believing leniency and mercy can lead to societal collapse.
- Conservative Attitudes Toward Violence and War : The conservative mind is more inclined to use violence, seeing it as a necessary part of survival and maintaining order. It is less sentimental about war and views it as justified in the name of morality or suppressing chaos.
- Conservative Outlook on the World and Survival : The conservative worldview sees the world as dangerous and values obedience, self-reliance, and discipline. It prefers preserving the status quo and the existing social order and shows caution toward innovation.
- Tradition and Gradualism in Conservative Philosophy : Tradition represents collective wisdom to conservatives, and they view social harmony as crucial. They are suspicious of utopian promises and prefer gradual change to revolutionary upheaval.
- Realism and Pessimism in the Conservative Mindset : Conservatives are realistic about human nature's brutality, adopting a more protective stance, which includes a strong focus on military defense, distrust of ambitious social engineering, and the stability of existing social structures.
- Conservative vs. Liberal Perspectives on Diplomacy and Defense : Conservatives believe in strong actions, like pre-emptive invasion, to prevent being overpowered, whereas liberals often advocate for diplomacy and disarmament, trusting that non-aggression will maintain peace.
- Conservative View on Free Speech : Traditionally, conservatives may restrict free speech to prevent societal chaos, as seen in conservative-led countries. They view unlimited free speech as potentially leading to civil unrest or undermining authority and stability.
- The Conservative Stance on Authoritarian Control : Authoritarian rulers, often viewed as conservative, restrict freedoms to maintain power and prevent factional conflict, as historically seen in Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Conservative thought values unity and order, even if enforced through repression.
- Misconceptions about Conservative Support for Freedom : American conservatives may claim to support freedom, but traditionally, conservatism is skeptical of unfettered freedom due to its potential to cause chaos and deplete cultural or societal structures.
- Conservative Philosophy on Self-Interest and Workplace Hierarchy : The conservative mindset perceives individuals as inherently self-interested, hence justifying a hierarchical workplace model with authoritarian leadership, mirroring their belief in the necessity of strong parental figures for discipline.
- Conservative Preference for Caution in High-Stakes Situations : Conservatism promotes a cautious, risk-averse approach in critical situations, such as surgeries or child protection, where the consequences of error are severe, contrasting with a more liberal approach in low-stakes contexts.
- View of the Conservative Mind on Strength and Discipline : The conservative worldview respects strength, discipline, order, and traditional gender roles, viewing any deviation, especially in sexual behavior, as potentially harmful and requiring control through guilt and shaming.
- Conservative Mind's Fear of the Inner and Outer World : Conservatives fear both external dangers and the inner landscape of radical thoughts, shying away from introspection that might reveal contradictions or cognitive dissonance, indicative of the mindset's lower cognitive complexity and discomfort with ambiguity.
- Conservative Thought and Cognitive Complexity : The conservative mind tends toward ordered and rigid thinking, struggles with multi-perspectivalism, and maintains a disregard for the abstract, fearing uncertainty and requiring mental closure more than their liberal counterparts.
- Conservative views on substance use and societal norms : The conservative mind associates lax attitudes towards intoxicants with societal issues such as rape and fatal accidents. They believe that in certain cultures, strict norms like not permitting women to wear revealing clothes are protective rather than oppressive.
- Artistic and aesthetic conservatism : The conservative preference leans towards traditional, representational, and less abstract art and music. Abstract forms may cause discomfort as they lack a single, definitive interpretation, which contradicts the conservative desire for clarity and concreteness.
- Status quo appreciation : Conservatives tend to value and defend the current societal systems, such as social hierarchies and class structures. There's a belief that social strata and inequities are justified by the natural hierarchy among humans according to their abilities and values.
- Conservative view on societal inequalities : The conservative mindset accepts societal inequalities as inherent, believing that some people naturally surpass others in generating value and leading effectively. They defend keeping certain groups in positions of power or worth while others are deemed fit for lesser roles.
- Conservative fear of external threats : There is a pronounced fear of dangers from outside the tribe, including foreign cultures and influences, leading to xenophobia and a preference for protecting one's in-group resources.
- Conservative resistance to diversity : The conservative mind sees diversity as potentially confusing and chaotic, resulting in general discomfort with multiculturalism and a tendency to view immigrants and foreign influences negatively.
- Control through punishment and rewards : Conservatives advocate for clear consequences for behavior, believing in strict law enforcement and punishment for transgressors to maintain societal order, contrasting liberal empathy for minor offenses.
- Nostalgia for tradition and national glory : Conservatives have a strong emotional attachment to their homeland and traditional values, often longing for a return to perceived better times when societal norms were unchallenged.
- Fiscal conservatism : The conservative principle of fiscal responsibility emphasizes the government's duty not to burden future generations with debt.
- Characteristics of conservative values and personality : Core conservative values include family, tradition, order, obedience, loyalty, discipline, and security. Personality-wise, conservatives are described as persistent, stable, hardworking, and less open to new experiences.
- Conservative worldview shaped by harsh conditions : Growing up in adverse conditions can engender a conservative worldview focused on survival, defense against threats, and a pessimistic view of human nature that values preemptive actions against potential dangers.
- Glorification of toughness and authority : Conservatives idealize symbols of strength such as violence, guns, sports, the military, and authoritarian figures, seeing them as necessary for survival and societal order.
- Conservative approach to arms races : Faced with an arms race, conservatives tend to prefer demonstrating strength and dominance to ensure security, opposing disarmament in favor of a show of power as a deterrent.
- Conservative and Liberal Solutions to Conflict : The conservative approach to international conflict, such as during the Cold War, is to outpace the opposition through military and technological superiority. This contrasts with the liberal approach that emphasizes empathy and diplomacy, which conservatives may view as too weak in the face of opposing groups like 'cavemen', who only respect force.
- Conservatism in the Scientific Community : Scientists often exhibit a conservative temperament, not in the political sense but in their careful and meticulous approach to their work. This conservatism upholds the integrity of scientific methods and institutions but can also inhibit groundbreaking discoveries due to its focus on detail over a more ambitious, holistic understanding of reality.
- Conservative Fears : The conservative mindset is influenced by fears of disorder, change, sin, loss of power and control, foreigners, alien cultures, loss of objective reality, and other elements that disrupt the perceived social order. These fears shape conservative thoughts and actions, leading to a preference for stability and tradition.
- Conservative Blind Spots : Conservatives may overestimate the dangers of change and underestimate the risks of the status quo, lacking empathy for those oppressed by the current systems. Their narrow circle of empathy can lead to a failure to recognize disadvantages until personally affected. Excessive conformity to man-made constructions and blind obedience to authoritarian figures are also key conservative weaknesses.
- Struggles of the Conservative Worldview : The conservative mind has difficulty grappling with conceptually fluid, abstract, and paradoxical ideas. It prefers clear, rigid distinctions and may resist emotional openness and spontaneity. Such a mindset can become overly attached to a singular survival strategy, potentially restricting its ability to adapt to societal changes.
- Conservative Perspective on Social and Cultural Topics : Embodying a conservative perspective, views on feminism, transgenderism, and other societal issues are often interpreted as potential threats to the stability of traditional social structures, such as the family unit and gender roles. The conservative mindset values maintaining established norms and roles, fearing the impact of altering these fundamental societal pillars.
- Conservative perspective on transgenderism : The conservative viewpoint is troubled by transgenderism due to its potential to blur traditional gender norms, creating confusion, especially among young people. This perspective values tradition, certainty, and stable identities over the perceived chaos of limitless freedom and self-invention.
- Conservative critique of atheism and secularism : From the conservative standpoint, atheism leads to secularism, which prompts materialistic lifestyles lacking transcendental meaning. Secularism is seen to degrade society's moral standards, leading to a preoccupation with money, sex, and technology instead of higher purposes.
- Conservative view on socialism and Marxism : Conservatives see socialism and Marxism as fundamentally flawed due to human nature's hierarchical tendencies. They argue that these systems ignore the reality that some individuals create more value than others and hence deserve more rewards. Attempts at implementing socialism are deemed utopian and have historically required authoritarian measures that ultimately failed to produce their intended egalitarian outcomes.
- Conservative perspective on immigration : Conservatism regards unrestricted immigration as a threat to the stability of developed nations, potentially overwhelming infrastructures and diluting national culture and identity. Conservatives emphasize the importance of protecting cultural homogeneity for social cohesion and international competitiveness.
- Conservative take on criminal punishment : The conservative ethos advocates for harsh punishments for criminals to maintain societal order and prevent chaos. Any leniency is viewed as undermining the legal system's authority and potentially leading to more crime.
- Conservative stance on environmentalism : Prioritizing economic stability and human welfare, conservatives argue against stringent environmental regulations that could cause economic downturns and increase human suffering. They assert that human innovation will deal with environmental challenges without risking immediate material well-being.
- Personal conservatism : Leo reflects on his personal life, citing instances of his own conservative approach regarding discipline in education, fitness, relationships, saving money, and spiritual pursuits. He believes these disciplined, conservative choices set up the foundation for his future success and financial independence.
- Conservative Approach to Consciousness Exploration : Leo describes his conservative approach to exploring consciousness and warns against underestimating its complexity. He advocates for taking a cautious and serious stance, aiming to overshoot rather than undershoot understanding to avoid self-deception.
- Conservative Emotional Attachments : Leo experiences deep nostalgia when visiting his hometown, reminiscent of conservative values that treasure family, culture, and national pride. He suggests this feeling of nostalgia is frequent for conservatives and influences their attitudes towards preserving heritage.
- Conservatism in Work and Psychedelics : Leo identifies his conservative treatment of actualized.org and psychedelics as areas where he is cautious. He approaches psychedelics with gravitas and continuous learning, contrasting with those who treat such experiences frivolously.
- Visualization Exercises for Conservative Appeal : A series of quick exercises designed to help viewers recognize the emotional appeal of conservatism, including challenges faced during upbringing, pride in one’s tribe achievements, the negative consequences of revolutions, and the importance of discipline and seriousness in raising children.
- Contemplating Personal Conservatism : Leo invites viewers to reflect on aspects of their lives where they are conservative, acknowledging that everyone has areas where they prefer tried and true methods over innovation, exhibit practicality over idealism, and hold pessimistic views on human nature.
- Acknowledgment of Intelligent Conservatism : Leo distinguishes between "dumb" conservative strawmen and intelligent formulations of conservative thought. He encourages seeking out and listening to robust conservative articulations to understand and appreciate the perspective.
- Series Recommendations for Deeper Political Understanding : Leo recommends his video series on conscious politics, spiral dynamics, ego development, and democracy versus authoritarianism. These resources integrate spirituality, philosophy, and psychology with social and political issues for a holistic understanding.
- Anticipation of Understanding the Liberal Mind : Mentioning the upcoming second part of the series, Leo hints at discussing the liberal mind, emphasizing the importance of understanding both conservative and liberal perspectives for a comprehensive view of politics.